Written By : Pitch N Hire
Wed Jul 24 2024
5 min read
You might have to relocate and go to another place. So does that mean another job hunt for you? Not always. There might be circumstances when your company has a branch in another city where you’re relocating. And if you’re satisfied with your current work situation, writing a transfer letter to your manager might be one of the most viable solutions. It can make it possible for the firm to directly shift into the other branch if they have openings there, and therefore reduce the amount of work you’ll have to do to find another job.
If you’re thinking of putting in a transfer letter, there might be many questions blocking your mind. Why put a request letter for transfer if I can just talk about it? What should be the transfer letter format? How formal should my letter be? Considering that you’ve worked in the company for some time and might have good relations with your supervisor, having such questions becomes anticipated. Here are solutions to all the questions in your head.
There are many cases where putting in a transfer letter might come in handy. This is especially used when you’re relocating to such a city where your company’s branch is available. You might be relocating because of many reasons, it can be due to marriage, educational purposes, some family issue, or your general wish to do so.
During these cases, a transfer letter can save you the number of interviews you’ll have to give to find another job. If you’ve adequately worked in the company, chances are, they’ll hire you right away. The only case in which your transfer letter might be rejected is if they don’t have any vacancy in that branch or if your work has not been up to par. Otherwise hiring you saves the company the time to train the new candidate as you thoroughly understand how that institution works already.
There are many points to keep in mind while writing your transfer letter. These points can affect the course that your transfer letter takes and the consequences it has.
At the beginning of the letter, after you’ve followed the transfer letter format, it is best to start with the information about your relocation. Start by explaining your reason for writing the transfer letter in the first place. This effectively sets the tone of the letter and the manager understands what you’re trying to communicate.
For example, you can write along the lines of “Dear Ms/Mr (last name) I am writing to you to consider to transfer me from (branch name of the company) to a similar role in (branch you want to be transferred to).”. You don’t have to explain to him all your reasons and can be private about it and just mention that your family wishes to relocate due to some personal reasons.
Just because you’re an employee of the company doesn’t mean that you don’t have to explain to the company how you can be an asset. For this, include all your skills and other knowledge that would come in handy while taking up work in the new branch. Explain how you can adjust to change easily and therefore will prove to be an asset in the branch you transfer to.
Additionally, you can use your background in the company for reference. Explain how you’ve worked at the firm for a while now and are easily able to understand how the workflow is regulated here.
Additionally, you can also mention your performance numbers in this branch as they will be crucial when they’ll consider your transfer to the other branch. For example, if you’re in sales and you doubled the sales in a quarter, you can mention that “while in the company, I have worked my best and doubled my sales in the quarter(mention the quarter) and intend to work similarly when transferred.”. This will remind the company a little about how significant you are and how it is a good choice to transfer you.
Don’t forget to express gratitude towards the place that gave you it all. Thank the company for considering you and looking into your transfer letter. In general, you can also write a line or two to appreciate your work environment and coworkers in that place and how you would regret going somewhere else but it is the need of the hour.
You can include a line that says something like “as much as I would regret leaving my colleagues here which have been a great support, I think that I can contribute to the (branch name of the company to be transferred to) and result in the growth of the company.”. Also, you should go along the lines of “I would like to thank you in advance for considering and assisting me with this.”.
Even if you’re working in the company, adding a resume is a part of your transfer letter format. Without this, you can’t expect them to just consider your present figures. To be a professional and a serious candidate, it is important that you submit your resume and let them know everything about you.
Even if you have friendly relations with your manager, it is important to understand that writing a transfer letter is business correspondence and needs to be conducted professionally. To inform them about the addition of the resume, you can write “I have also attached a copy of my updated resume for you to review.”.
While you might be confused about some steps of how to write a request letter for transfer, you should keep in mind that it would go about like any other business letter. This should explain the similarity of the transfer letter format with many others that you might’ve written while in the company. However, you have to write the contents of a transfer letter with care and ensure that you can precisely provide every piece of information most cordially and professionally.
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