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How to Write an Application for Sick Leave?

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Thu Oct 03 2024

5 min read

application for sick leave

A professional short application for sick leave keeps you in a good working relationship and safeguards your rights. According to the company's policy and procedure, you will have specific conditions for applying for sick leave. Following those guidelines, you ensure a seamless process and keep a friendly relationship with your employer.

Applying for sick leave is never easy, especially in professional circles. It can be a sensitive issue, but if an effective application is submitted, the process could be comfortable, and good relations with your employer are ensured.

This article will lead you in making an application for sick leave, which will present your reasons convincingly for not being able to attend work simply because you are ill. 

Ensuring that you exercise these guidelines will assure you of riding through the situation successfully, thereby disrupting your assignments at work the least.

What's the Significance of a Professional Sick Leave Application?

A professional sick leave application is a formal request for the temporary loss of time owing to illness or injury. It proves to be a very important method of communication between the employee and employer so that the working relationship can be maintained well and positively.

The professional sick leave application include:

  • Show Professionalism and Responsibility: Submitting a formal request indicates that one takes one's absence seriously and is not merely being a nuisance to the employing organization.
  • Maintain Trust and Credibility: You can easily demonstrate your reasons for an absence by giving clear and concise explanations through an application for sick leave.
  • Ensure Continuity in Operations: A timely sick leave application for office will ensure that the employer can prepare for your absence and that other employees will cover your responsibilities at work.
  • Protect Employment Rights: A timely sick leave application may protect your employment rights and entitlements, including sick pay or job protection.

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Benefits of Application Letter:

  • Less Stress: You will know that your absence is well accounted for in terms of record and, therefore, lessen your stress and anxiety.
  • Improved Communication: A brief and clear application of sick leave improves communication between you and your employer, which mostly leads to a better and better working relationship with the latter.
  • Establish a Record: It might also act as a document of your absence, which may be accessed when the need arises or in documentation.

A professional application for sick leave is basically a document that can contribute much to the upkeep of a healthy and profitable relationship while working. In this regard, taking the time to write a clear and concise application shows professionalism, builds trust, and ensures appropriate handling of your absenteeism.

Important Sections of a Sick Leave Application


  • Clearly indicate to whom the application is addressed.
  • For example, "Dear [Supervisor's Name],"


  • Clearly indicate that you are requesting sick leave.
  • For example, "I am writing to formally request sick leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]."

Leave Dates:

  • Mention the dates you are going to be absent. Be specific so that no confusion will be seen.
  • For example, "I am going to miss work on dates [List of dates].

Reason for Absence:

  • Briefly describe the illness or medical condition. If your company policy requires a doctor's note, mention it.
  • For example, "I am requesting sick leave due to [Illness or Condition]. I will attach a doctor's note for your verification."

Work Accommodations:

  • If applicable, mention any short-term arrangements you have made to ensure your work has been properly addressed.
  • For example, "I have assigned the [Task or Project] to [Colleague's Name] and have forwarded them all relevant communications."


  • You can give them the impression that you intend to catch up on everything when you return to work through your application for sick leave.
  • For example, "I will make sure all my urgent work gets done before I am off and will do all the work that was neglected once I get to work."

Additional Information:

  • Put here anything else you would like others to know, such as a phone number you can reach if someone cannot reach you or has special needs.
  • For example, "If you need to contact me while I am out, please call [Name of colleague] at [Colleague's Phone Number]."


  • Express appreciation for the understanding and cooperation you get.
  • For example, "Thanks for your understanding and cooperation upon my leave. Hope to return to work soon."

Taking all these factors into consideration, you can present your request for sick leave to the employer as comprehensively as possible. You would thus be sure that when you are away, the flow of work does not suffer any glitches at your workplace.

Master the basics of effective communication with our email etiquette for beginners guide, covering essential tips on professionalism, tone, and clarity for your emails.

Best Tips for Writing a Professional Sick Leave Application

There are many tips for writing a sick leave, but a few of them are discussed here:

Be Concise and Clear:

  • Avoid excessive details or unnecessary information. Focus more on providing the crucial details such as dates of absences, reason for being absent, and arrangements to be made in your application for sick leave.
  • Use simple language and clarity. Avoid using technical terms or jargon that the employer may not know or understand.

Maintain Professionalism:

  • Use a formal tone and language. Avoid using slang or casual expressions.
  • Direct to the recipient using his proper title and name.
  • Be considerate and polite when presenting your message.

Proofread Very Carefully

  • There should not be any grammatical, spelt or punctuation mistakes in your application. The very way of writing indicates your professionalism as well as your keen eye for detail.
  • Use a grammar checker or a proofreader tool to mark and rectify all errors.

Follow Company Policies:

  • Observe any particular directives or procedures that have been established by your company's employee guide.
  • It may include requirements for providing medical documentation or following a specific format for your application.
  • If you are unsure about any of the requirements, don't hesitate to reach out to your HR department for clarification.

Additional Tips:

  • Be specific about your illness or condition and briefly describe the symptoms or diagnosis if appropriate. This may help your employer understand the nature of your absence in your application for sick leave.
  • Have other information available, such as a doctor's note or medical certificate, if called for.
  • The commitment to the job and the intention to return as soon as possible will support keeping an amicable relationship with your employer.

These tips will make your sick leave application professional, clear, and successful. A professionally written application will let you not waste a good working relationship with your employer. It will enable your employer to work with you in such a situation in the right way.

Additional Considerations for Sick Leave Applications

Doctor's Note:

  • Company Policy: If in your company, a doctor's slip is implemented as proof of your absence you should know if this slip has to come from a specific doctor, how long it takes to make the doctor's slip, and information that has to be included on this slip.
  • Schedule an Interview: You are free to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to discuss your medical condition or illness and procure the note or document.
  • Request for Sick Note: At the time of taking your appointment, request the doctor to write a sick note to present to your application for sick leave at work.


  • Inform Your Supervisor: When returning to work, inform your supervisor or the HR department of your return. Inform them of your condition and any post-recovery appointments or restrictions.
  • Catch-up on Your Work: Address all the pending work that must have built up while you were away. Let them know you are prepared to help catch up or delegate as needed.
  • Medical Records: If your firm policies demand any related medical information, then you should forward all the related documents to the concerned HR.

With these add-on considerations, you can smoothly return to work while your relationship with your employer remains positive.

Writing a Professional Sick Leave Application: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step-1. Identify the Recipient:

  • Find out who needs to sanction your sick leave in the organization (supervisor or HR department, etc.).

Step-2. Collect Relevant Information:

  • Collect the following information:
  • First and last dates of your leave
  • Your reason for leaving (if needed by the policy of your company)
  • Any medical evidence (like a physician's note)
  • Any arrangements you have made for your tasks when you are away

Step-3. Write Your Application:

  • Formal letter writing.
  • You have to write that you want to apply for sick leave.
  • Specific dates of your absence
  • Reason for your absence, including any medical documentation if necessary
  • Any arrangements that you make to cover up your workload.
  • Express your commitment to fulfilling your responsibilities upon your return.

Step-4. Proofread and Edit:

  • Check your application for sick leave carefully by checking grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
  • Craft your application clear, concise and professional.

Step-5. Submit Your Application:

  • Please submit it to the concerned recipient under your company's procedure in person or through an e-mail or a specialized online tool.

Sample Template of Sick Leave Application for Office 

Your Name

Your Position



To: Recipient's Name

[Recipient's Position]


Sub: Sick Leave Application from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I am writing to formally request for sick leave from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I will be taking time off for [Reason for absence]. I will be sure to attach a doctor's note to confirm my absence as well.

During my absence, I have arranged for [Colleague's Name] to handle my [Responsibilities].

I promise to fulfill my duties on my return to work and ensure all tasks that need to be done are accomplished.

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

Enclosure: Doctor's Note

Sample Template of Sick Leave Application for Office

Write an Application to the Principal for Sick Leave

Consider this application for leave of absence due to fever:

Subject: Sick Leave Application

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I am writing officially to request an application for sick leave from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I have an illness of fever and body aches and also feel tired. I am consulting with the doctor who advises rest for [Number] days.

Please note that I caused inconvenience by this, and all necessary tasks were to be completed or referred before my leave.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

Application to the Principal for Sick Leave


A professional sick leave application helps maintain a positive relationship with your workplace and serves your interests. Similarly, a sick leave application for school acts as a formal record of a student's absence due to illness. By following these key guidelines, you can ensure clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness in your application: identify the recipient, provide dates of absence and medical documentation, maintain a professional tone, and adhere to your company's policies. 

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