How To Become A Freelance Writer?

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How To Become A Freelance Writer: Easy 5 Steps Guide

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Tue Mar 05 2024

5 min read

become a freelance writer 2

What if you could have a writing career with total freedom over whom you want to work on your terms? There is no definite formula for success. In this article, we have discussed some effective steps to becoming a freelance writer in 2021. So read and find out.

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Everything that pushes you to become a freelance writer can be overwhelming to find out where to start. The good news is, you know how to write already. You might not know it all, and you might not be the best writer. But it comes from your experience to learn to be a good writer and to be guided by skilled writers and editors. As a writer, your craft will evolve continuously. You never get a mastery state. Every project builds on a different one. You will find new ways to say things, refine your work, and build your voice.

When we begin as new writers, we often pause each word between typing. We hesitate to scan our thoughts’ dispersed orbits. You will be able to learn your ideas faster as you develop your writing skills. Instead, you will move your fingers like a flash of lightning instead of a slow plod of just a word, hitting the page with the prose capturing what you’d like to say.

Best 5 Steps to Becoming a Freelance Writer

Ready to start your career in freelance writing? This is a step-by-step instruction guide to this.

Understand the Work of Freelance Writers 

The majority of professional freelance writers create many different types of media with a variety of customers. The beauty of being an independent writer is that you can create content in different industries and work on a broad range of projects. If you’re bored doing the same thing every day, freelance concerts will keep you busy learning new challenges. This is one of the most important steps to becoming a freelance writer. Freelance writing jobs can include:

  • Blogging
  • Social media posts
  • Website copy
  • Whitepapers
  • Video scripts
  • Content marketing
  • Editing
  • Press releases

To be a freelancer means to define your career in writing. You can do what type of writing you enjoy, find the type of potential customers for which you want to work, and ultimately create your unique full-time job.

Build the Required Skills to Become a Professional Writer

You need the ability to write, combine words, sentences, and paragraphs coherently, and to sprinkle the text creatively. But it’s so much more than just writing beautiful phrases. Therefore developing the proper skills is among the very important steps to becoming a freelance writer. You should understand as a professional writer:

  • The basics of grammar
  • Incorporating feedback
  • How to research
  • Maximizing ideas with minimum words
  • Using brand voice
  • Understanding of plagiarism and how to remove it
  • SEO
  • How to ask the right questions to the clients

You’re not only an independent writer but also a small business. You practice the art of writing. You will also need to learn how to do it if you have never been responsible for managing your finances. You need to know, like any business owner:

  • Writing a contract
  • Putting money for taxes aside
  • Bookkeeping and invoicing
  • Marketing the services and getting new leads

Find the Freelance Writing Niche

Beginning a blog is a great way to write about something you love. Begin with what you know as an aspiring writer. You may be a bit burned off coding a computer programmer. Why don’t you begin writing tutorials or blogs on programming issues? The technology industry always needs writers who can divide complex concepts into accessible guidelines. A programmer who can write also puts you in a very specialized classroom. Or perhaps in the field of health, you have had a long career. Start to write about the subjects you have the know-how to discuss. Healthcare is an enormous industry, and if you show that you know very well and can communicate effectively, you may need your writing skills for a wide range of potential clients of the healthcare sector.

You are a professional on something, whether you know it or not. Use your knowledge to begin writing, submit your work and build up your portfolio. This is among the top steps to becoming a freelance writer. It is important to have authenticity. Readers may feel that the words which they have put down are of personal interest to a writer. This is what distinguishes clickbait from meaningful articles. Writing should form a personal link with a reader, and this is best done by looking after your topic.

Find Freelance Writing Work Sources 

When you start your freelance career, finding work is one of the biggest problems. There are plenty of freelancing websites out, but some are great for your first customer.


Upwork has a long list of possible jobs, but many authors are on the platform after the same work.

Upwork provides numerous freelance concerts with a long scroll of job postings that are constantly updated. Regardless of how interested you are in writing, you are very likely to find something that draws your attention to Upwork. Work, in the beginning, consumes a bit of your time. It is competitive, and a decent proposal needs to be drawn up. It can be discouraging to apply for dozens of projects to receive zero offers only. The best way is to start by offering smaller jobs at lower rates. You will build up a reputation and positive reviews to help you achieve those larger, better-paid gigs. The job is just one of many job boards where new freelancers have the opportunity to arrive.


LinkedIn provides a place to show everything you do and connect to people with whom you might be interested. Find companies in industries you are interested in and connect to individuals who can be responsible for hiring freelancers for roles such as content manager or marketing manager. Build your connections concerning them. Ask them about their businesses and what kind of content they need. Pitch your skills and how you can grow your business. Just don’t get mad or spammed, but let honest intentions guide you all.

Inform People That You are a Freelance Writer

New work is found in many ways. And you can find out which work boards are legitimate and which are cheap content factories. As a new freelancer, you face a learning curve, but you’ll find good resources for freelance work with some research and common sense. This is one of the important steps to becoming a freelance writer in 2021. The most important thing as a young freelance writer is to broadcast every medium you can hire. Tell everyone what they do, regardless of whether it is word of mouth, a Facebook post, or another online presence. There’s a person or someone who knows someone who needs a writer out there.


So these were some of the best steps to becoming a freelance writer. Implement them and grow your career as a freelance writer.

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