Top 20+ GD Topics for Interviews in 2025

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Top 20+ GD Topics for Interviews in 2025

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Oct 19 2024

5 min read

gd topics for interview

This article will cover various current events, social issues, and business GD topics for interview. They will be designed to test your communication, problem-solving ability, and working in a team. Studying such group discussion topics for an interview will improve your chances of a job interview.

GDs are one of the most common rounds in any job interview, especially these days. It tests a candidate's communication skills, problem-solving capabilities, and teamwork. GDs are a tough round; however, if you prepare enough, you can do well in those rounds.

This article presents a carefully selected list of general topics for interviews you may face in your job interviews. Being aware of these and practicing answers on them will help you scale heights in the interviews with absolute assurance.

What is Group Discussions?

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Group discussion is a coordinated discussion by a group on a specified topic. It is a step in the job selection process. It is mainly used in evaluating every skill that a candidate holds, such as:

  • Communication Skills: The ability to clearly and concisely state ideas.
  • Problem-solving skills: Your skill in analyzing and identifying problems and propositions of solutions.
  • Teamwork: How well you can get a task done with others while working towards a common goal.
  • Leadership: Your response to initiative, ability to lead a discussion, and power to influence others.
  • Critical Thinking: Your ability to discern, judge information, argue a point, and render a judgment.

What is the Importance of Preparing for Group Discussions?

Group discussions are very important in conducting a job interview. Preparing for GD topics for interview is an essential task for the following reasons:

1. Better Performance: 

  • Good preparation can significantly boost confidence and performance in GDs. It will improve your communication skills. Thus, it will increase the chance of winning.

2. Development of Communication Skills: 

  • GDs are some of the most ideal places to show your communication skills. Being active in discussions and sharing your views helps. It improves your communication and engages others.

3. Developing Skills: 

  • Problem-solving is one common aspect of GDs, as the session often involves solving a problem or discussing issues. These can help you become more adept at analyzing a situation and pointing out the problems with solutions.

4. Teamwork and Leadership Evaluation: 

  • The GD is a perfect tool to exhibit teamwork and leadership skills. The person fosters teamwork by cooperating with colleagues. They also take more initiative to show leadership.

5. Preparations for other interviews: 

  • Besides job interviews, GDs are used in academic admissions and leadership development areas. Preparation for GD topics for interview would help you perfect the skills needed to perform better in such areas.

6. Confident Level Increased: 

  • Proper preparation will reduce anxiety levels and increase confidence. You're likely to do better when you feel confident.

7. Good First Impression: 

  • GDs usually occur at the beginning of the interview process. A good performance in the GD can give an excellent first impression and drive you to the second round.

How Can You Prepare Step by Step for a Group Discussion?

Here are a few tips to prepare you well for a GD:

1. Familiarize yourself with the Format of a GD:

  • Know about GDs: Learn about the general structure and the expectations of a GD.
  • Mock GDs: Join a few mock GDs to gain familiarity and also exercise your skills.

2. Current Affairs:

  • Read regularly: Be aware of all that is happening in the nation and worldwide.
  • Areas of Focus Concentrate: Focus on the issues likely to arise in GDs. This covers social issues, economic issues, and political issues.

3. Improve Oral Skills:

  • Practice Speaking Clearly: Deliver expressions clearly and briefly.
  • Develop the Ability to Listen Actively: Listen carefully and pay attention to others.

4. Develop Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skill:

  • Do brain puzzles and case studies: They will boost your problem-solving skills for GD topics for an interview.
  • Develop Thinking: The ability to analyze information and make decisions based on it.

5. Practice Teamwork and Leadership:

  • Participate in group exercises: This includes any activities that require teamwork.
  • Act like a Leader: Be willing to lead the class and manage the discussion process.

6. Be Conscious of Your Body Language

  • Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact with the other participants when speaking. Good body language in an Interview is very important.
  • Effective Gestures: Use hand gestures to emphasize your words. But don't overdo it.
  • Sit Up Straight: Adopt a straight posture that communicates confidence and interest.

7. Actively Listening:

  • Listen More: Observe more than interrupting or talking over another person.
  • Ask Questions: Clear the misunderstanding.
  • Paraphrase Key Points: Summarize points of discussion in one phrase.
  1. Respectful and Collaborative
  • No Arguments: Seek always to debate healthy, but not arguments.
  • Listen to the Thoughts of Others: Listen to others' thoughts and accept their opinions.

Following these tips and doing regular practice will, in turn, boost one's confidence and overall performance in GDs.

How Can You Start a Group Discussion in an interview?

Some tips regarding the initiation of a GD topics for interview are as follows.

1. Take the initiative:

  • Be First to Speak: If you are still waiting for someone to come forward, take the initiative and lead in initiating the discussion.
  • Present the Topic: Briefly present the topic and your perception of it.

2. Ask a Thought-Provoking Question :

  • Start a Discussion: Ask questions continuously.

3. Summary of Points to Remember:

  • Summarize the Discussion: If the discussion needs to be more organized, summarize the key points.
  • Transition to a New Point: Use this opportunity to introduce a new perspective or topic.

4. Respect and Cooperation:

  • Active Listen: Give other people's points of view and treat their thoughts kindly.
  • Allow contributing: Let others present their ideas and opinions.

5. Do not Dominate the Conversation:

  • Be Attentive to Time: Let others contribute without imposing your thoughts too much on the conversation.
  • Ensure Equal Contribution: Allow everyone a chance to be heard in the conversation.

Some Essential GD Tips for Interviews

Here are some of the fundamental but essential tips for facing GDs:


  • Research the Topic: Keep yourself aware with the going current affairs and be ready to talk about anything and everything regarding GD topics for interview.
  • Practice Speaking: Practice to express thoughts briefly and succinctly.
  • Develop Critical Thinking: Analyze information, evaluate arguments and make good judgments.
  • Understand the GD Format: Understand the general structure and what the expected norm would be of a GD.

During the GD

  • Listen Actively: Hear out others' ideas and do not interrupt.
  • Be Respectful: Be polite, maintain respect for others, and avoid arguing.
  • Contribute Meaningfully: Share your ideas, but don't dominate the discussion.
  • Use Body Language Effectively: Be upright in your body and gesture appropriately.
  • Key points: Summarize the main points of the discussion and draw a conclusion.

These tips will help you succeed at GDs. They will also prove your communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

List of Important General Interview Topics 2024

Here are general GD topics for interview you'll be expected to find during an interview:

About You

  • Tell us about yourself.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why would you like to work for this company?
  • What are your professional goals?
  • When you faced many challenges, how did you manage them, and what did you learn from them?

About the Job

  • Tell me what you know about our company and this position.
  • Why did you choose our company to apply for this position?
  • What are your expectations for this job?
  • How will you add value to our team?
  • What is your expected salary?

Behavioral Questions

  • By how much do you feel working under pressure was hardest when?
  • Describe one particularly difficult coworker that you had to work with.
  • How would you manage conflicts?
  • Tell me about your greatest achievement in this field.

Industrial Questions

  • Questions related to your field of study or work experience.

Remember to:

  • Research the company and the position thoroughly.
  • Prepare answers to common interview questions related to GD topics for interview.
  • Practice your responses.
  • Be honest and authentic.
  • Ask questions about the company and the role.

Some Common Interview Topics for New Graduates

Consider these general topics for interview for freshers with answers:

About Yourself

  • Tell me about yourself.
    • "I am [Your Name], graduated in [Your Major] from [University Name]. I have always been attracted by [Reason for Interest], so I was keenly interested in this field."
  • Tell me your strengths and weaknesses.
    • My strengths are [x], [y], [z]. As I am not proficient, some of my weaknesses are [X], [Y], [Z], but I am excited to learn and improve". I am looking to develop the skill of [Area for Improvement]."
  • Why do you want to join this position?
    • I want this job. It would advance my career. I have all the skills, like [Relevant Skills], that it requires. I am inspired by your company's success and values, [Company's Achievements or Values]. I could add value to your team.

About the Job

  • What do you know about our company and this position?
    • "I've done some reading on your company; I am drawn to your [Company's Achievements]. I understand that as a worker in this role, there is work to be done, namely [Job Responsibilities]. I feel quite certain I can definitely add much to team success because of [Relevant Skills]."
  • Why did you choose our company to work with?
    • "I am attracted to your company's [Company's Culture or Values]. I feel that your emphasis on [Company's Focus] closely resonates with my personal career goals. I look forward to the potential of working with a professional team and contributing to the organization's growth."

Behavioral Questions

  • When did you face any challenge, and how did you overcome it?
    • "One challenge I faced was [Challenge]. To overcome this, I [Steps Taken]. In the end, I would succeed [Positive Outcome]. I would learn some valuable lessons: [Lesson Learned].
  • Can you describe a time when you worked under pressure?
    • "To answer your question, I have experience with tight deadlines and high-pressure projects. A good example is when I had to do [Situation]. I remained calm, prioritized tasks, and delivered the project on time."
  • How do you handle conflict?
    • It always depends on open and honest communication- how one would like to resolve it. I try to understand where others are coming from and find common ground. If necessary, I'd be willing to compromise as long as it might benefit both ends.

Industry-Specific Questions

  • [Questions related to your field of study or work experience]
    • Prepare questions/answers according to your specific knowledge and expertise in your field.

Unique Topics For Interview: Beyond the Ordinary

Here are some recent GD topics for interview that can make you shine in your interview:

Current Affairs with a Twist

  • Artificial Intelligence Implications on Arts and Humanity.
  • Moral Implications of Gene Editing.
  • Role of Technologies in Reducing Social Inequality.
  • Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Tourism.

Brainstorming Activities

  • Develop a marketing plan for newly invented, revolutionary products.
  • Develop a social media strategy for an NGO.
  • Design a future sustainable city.
  • Ideation on how to solve the problem of plastic pollution.

Personal Narratives

  • Tell about your experience that changed the way you think.
  • Who is your role model, and why?
  • Tell us about your worst regret. What did you learn from it?

Future-Focused Questions

  • How will climatic changes affect our lives in the future?
  • To what extent is artificial intelligence an ethical concern?
  • How to make the world a more balanced and equal place.
  • What are the new trends in the upcoming years?

These unique topics for the interview will set you apart. They will show your creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking.


Preparation in GDs forms an excellent investment in career development. You must sharpen your communication skills, problem-solving, and teamwork. They are vital to succeeding in interviews and group settings. Remember that the point of starting GD topics for an interview is to create a healthy, exciting discussion. The following are some tips to add value and illustrate leadership skills in the debate. Keep your answers specific to the company and the position you apply for. Rehearse your responses. Group discussion topics for interview will help you answer the questions confidently.

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