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Top Companies Hiring Remote International Employees

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Thu Jul 25 2024

5 min read

Hiring Remote International Employees

Many job seekers want to work in the leading US organizations, but they have a fear of relocating. However, as of 2023, many US organizations are hiring remote international employees for their open roles. Now, a foreign worker living anywhere in the world can work for a US organization. Continue reading to learn how.

If you are looking for US companies hiring remote international employees, you are not the only one. Many job seekers wish to pursue part-time and full-time remote work in the USA. As a result, remote opportunities are heavily in demand in the US economy.

And we do not have to tell you why remote roles are becoming so popular among job seekers. Yes, you are thinking right! It’s the flexible working hours that make remote work the top choice of job seekers not only in the USA but worldwide. But the question is, how can you start your remote job journey in the USA as an international employee? Continue reading the blog to know.

Why are organizations hiring remote international employees?

Both employers and job seekers realized the benefits of working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of 2023, not every employer forces employees to work from 9 to 5 from the office. As a result, the demand for international remote jobs in this post-pandemic world is continuously increasing.

Considering the increase in the popularity and demand of remote and work-from-home job types, more and more US organizations are hiring remote international employees. From small and medium-scale organizations to large-scale organizations, many companies work remotely. These US organizations provide the best remote opportunities to job seekers across many industries.

That is because modern-day employers have realized the benefits of remote work and wish to support flexible work arrangements. It is why companies are always hunting for top talent for their remote job openings in software development, management, business and marketing, etc. The best thing is that they are not just hiring US candidates, but they are hiring remote international employees as well.

Now that you know why US organizations hire foreign workers for remote roles, let us dive deeper into the blog and learn about the best US companies offering these roles.

Top three companies hiring remote international employees

Many companies in the USA working across different industries have started hiring remote workers. However, it does not mean all organizations offer the best remote positions. No! Only the top organizations provide the best remote and work-from-home jobs to foreign workers.

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Finding the best US companies hiring work-from-home employees might be challenging. But not to worry, as we at Pitch N Hire are here to help you! We will tell you exactly where to look for remote opportunities. To help you start your remote job hunt journey confidently, here are the top 3 US companies hiring remote employees:


You must have already heard about Amazon, as it is one of the largest online retail companies in the world. But you might not know that this multinational company started hiring remote international employees.

Amazon wants its employees to work flexibly. It is why Amazon offers the best remote jobs to foreign workers. So, even if you live out of the USA, you can apply for a remote role at Amazon and achieve your dream of working as a remote employee in a US company.


Xerox is also a leading US company that manufactures and sells many types of office equipment. The company is based in New York and is becoming popular in the US remote job market. Xerox is constantly hiring remote international employees in its virtual office program.

The company has already employed over 8,000 remote workers worldwide. And it will continue to hire more remote workers in the coming years. Thus, you should add Xerox to your list of the best US companies offering remote opportunities.


When you search for top US organizations hiring remote international employees, you will always find Adobe somewhere on the top only. That is because Adobe is constantly at the top of the list of the world’s best companies for employees to work. And you will be surprised to know that Adobe made it to the Fortune list of the 100 best companies to work for 20 times in a row.

The best thing is that this leading computer software company has started to cherish the remote work culture. Moreover, Adobe now offers full-time remote and work-from-home roles to US and foreign workers. Therefore, if you are from the tech field, working as a remote foreign worker at Adobe will be the best decision.

These were the three best companies hiring remote international employees in the USA. So, you must keep track of all the latest remote job postings in these companies to land a remote job faster. Now, let us discuss the most high-paying remote careers in the USA that you can count on.

Which are the best remote jobs in the USA?

Usually, US organizations hiring remote international employees offer jobs in various roles. However, you will always benefit if you apply for the most high-paying remote and WFH jobs in the USA. High-paying jobs will allow you to receive fat paychecks without leaving your house. Here is the list of the five most popular and high-paying jobs in the USA.

Account Manager

Many US organizations hiring remote international employees offer remote account manager positions. This career choice is the best for people with good relationship-building, problem-solving, and communication skills. That is because an account manager is a person who serves as an intermediary between the company and its clients after the sale.

The main reasonability of an account manager is to ensure customer satisfaction by managing their complaints and resolving their queries timely. According to Glassdoor, the estimated average salary of a remote account manager is around $122,211 as of 2023.

Medical Writer

Both medical and content writers have the same job of writing content. But the only difference is that a medical writer only develops content in the medical and healthcare niche. As a result, besides having good research and writing skills, a medical content writer should also have a strong knowledge of the medical and healthcare field.

If a writer lacks medical knowledge, he will not be able to communicate technical medical information to the general public through his words. Thus, if you think you have what it takes to be a medical writer, you can consider applying for a remote medical writer role in a US company hiring remote international employees. The average salary of a medical writer working remotely in the USA is estimated to be around $87,455.

Software Developer

If you have a computer science background, you can conveniently start working remotely as a software developer in the USA. Software development is one of the highest-paying remote careers on our list that also has a good scope in the future. The job requires a person to have professional-level coding skills and knowledge of programming languages such as Python, HTML, SQL, JavaScript, and many more.

If you think you possess these skills and handle the responsibilities of a software developer, you can apply for a remote software developer position. Yes, and that too in a US company hiring remote international employees. A software developer working remotely in the USA earns an average salary of around $93,349.

Financial Analyst

Working as a financial analyst is the best remote jobs option if you wish to work in the finance sector. You only need to have a bachelor's or master's business degree in finance specialization. If we consider the job responsibilities, financial analysts or advisors are responsible for setting budgets, looking for the best investments, and identifying ways to reduce operating costs.

Thus, you will be responsible for tracking and analyzing all the cash flow activities of a business. The estimated annual salary of a remote financial advisor in the USA ranges from $75,000-$85,000 in 2023.

Online Marketer

Digital or online marketing remote and work-from-home jobs are increasing in popularity not only in the USA but worldwide. As a digital marketer, your job will be to promote your company’s services and products using different online channels. In other words, you have to use online platforms to help brands connect with their target audience. You will have to use channels like social media and business websites.

You will also be responsible for planning, executing, and managing digital marketing campaigns. Usually, US companies hiring remote international employees for their marketing role do not demand any marketing degree. They also prefer candidates with digital marketing skills and course certification. A remote marketing manager in the USA can expect an average salary estimated to be around $72,056.

Landing a job in the above careers will open doors to new growth and learning opportunities for you.

Wrapping up

Ultimately, it would not be wrong to say that US organizations hiring remote international employees can serve as a game-changer in your professional life. By this, we mean that if you use the remote opportunities offered by the best US organizations wisely, you can achieve great heights in your career.

Do not know where to find and apply for remote roles? Choose Pitch N Hire! Our reliable job search platform can satisfy your remote job hunt needs promptly. So, check out our high-quality remote job boards today and land a remote job in the best US companies.

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