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The Best Order Confirmation Template: Here is How To Write It

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Dec 16 2023

5 min read

how to write your order confirmation template

The order confirmation gives the customer an employment summary and offers them the chance to describe any errors conveniently. But as a conclusion, you are confirming to provide the agreed service at particular terms. For this explanation, it’s very important that the order confirmation is well and legally composed, and includes all information related to the order. Order acknowledgement templates are easy and especially free tools and are generally just normal Word or Excel documents.

An order confirmation template usually comes along with the purchase order sent from the consumer to the supplier. To settle it simply, an order confirmation is a path of conveying that an order has been approved. It is used to secure the customer that you will deliver the product and/or service under the circumstances that have already been set up. This is mandatory – as shortly as the order confirmation has been composed and brought to the customer, you are then lawfully bound to finalize the order.

What is a template for order confirmation?

The written confirmation of an order should be a part of every industry and not only for the reasons above. An additional benefit of an order confirmation is: If a document is composed correctly, it can further be used in legal actions. You don’t even require a particular software or law degree to build one. The familiar word processing and spreadsheet programs, like Word and Excel, already deliver all the methods and purposes important for composing a confirmation, and either printing it or mailing it as a PDF once you’re completed.

To prevent mistakes to write a confirmation completely from scratch for each order, it’s popular to use Word or Excel to establish templates for order confirmations – or to simply enter editions made earlier. In the editions, all basic elements are already inserted, and the required data can be modified at any period. For a new deal, you just need to customize this template and don’t have to develop one from scratch. This takes a lot of time. If you use your template for all order confirmations, then your documents automatically have a similar method.

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With respect to the wide choice of branch-specific order confirmation templates for Word and Excel, you can discover sufficient editions for whatever industry you’re merging. These differ slightly in terms of diagram and quantity elements, and so are ideally conformed to the actual customer method. With a good template, your letters are not only fixed and detailed but also sufficient for the industry and most widespread order varieties. If you want to modify the document to your requirements, you just have to bring about a few modifications to the template and then preserve it, hassle-free.

Order confirmation templates: What differentiates a promising template?

Two characteristics play an important role in the examination of an order confirmation form: one definitive standard is the structural pattern. The letter should certainly and completely illustrate the information about the offered employment as well as the associated situations. In case the customer has problems, they should also be prepared to rapidly and handily discover the contact options. In the best case, the order acknowledgement provides the customer with a simple contact option – if one exists, of course.

An order confirmation template

The next characteristic is the topic of the order confirmation template in Excel or Word form. Not every template requires to include all possible components. But it should always include the house address specific for your company, or at least give you the processes or the alternative to directly and easily get you in touch. The following list contains the facts that should always be included in a skilled order confirmation template:

  • Institution location and other contact data, as reasonable (telephone, e-mail, personal contact)
  • Customer address data
  • Agreement number and/or buyer number (if available)
  • Term of the order confirmation
  • Thorough order description (explanation, price, breadth of acquired service)
  • The cumulative amount and sales tax (if necessary)
  • Approximate delivery date or date of employment
  • Extra situations, particularly delivery charges and terms
  • Terms of payment

The sameness between an offer and an order confirmation is obvious, among further things, in the beliefs of the two documents. As with an offer, the brand, name and address of the company, as well as that of the consumer (comprising the contact person) should all occur at the title of the document. The major contrast is that next to the date and customer number, you compose the order confirmation number (or even the invoice number), and not the request number.

How to write an order acknowledgement template?

An order acknowledgement template is a document managed by industries to formally declare the approval of something, for example, an invoice, that can be used as a betterment, for contract maintenance, or to put forward an issue with whatever employment was received.





Subject:        Acknowledgement Letter for Purchase Order No. [#]

Reference:    (a) [PURCHASER] Purchase Order No. [#]

Enclosures:   [SELLER] Terms and Conditions


[SELLER] hereby acknowledges receipt of the Reference (a) purchase order (or “PO”).  We are delighted about the possibility of serving to [PURCHASER] and delivering the products requested, but cannot confirm acknowledgement of the order and its referenced terms and conditions without solution of the below irregularities.  Precisely, Seller expressly does not acknowledge the following terms and conditions included in the PO and indicates the alternative language below.

We recommend resolving the above items as soon as reasonable to not influence the “need date” [PURCHASER] has observed in the referenced purchase order.  If our alternative language described above is favorable, please sign in the space provided in this Acknowledgement Letter below indicating [PURCHASER]’s approval of the terms and conditions of purchase, as changed per this Acknowledgement Letter. If we do not achieve a response, we will assume that the above changes are finalized, and we will proceed with the enjoyment of the order under these altered terms.

We appreciate your business and thank you for the chance.





_____________________________         ______________

[PURCHASER  NAME]                      DATE



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