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Imposter Syndrome: Types, Characteristics, Causes, and Remedies
Written By : Pitch N Hire
Thu Aug 22 2024
5 min read
Written By : Pitch N Hire
Thu Aug 22 2024
5 min read
Coronavirus has made us mentally sick. It is not only affecting our daily lives but due to the lockdown, many people have developed social anxiety, and mental health problems and one of them is Imposter Syndrome which is making them psychologically less competent with their fellow workers. If you are here because you feel like you have also developed it then let us tell you, it can be easily cured with no medical assistance.
Almost 70% of people have felt like they are going through this situation at some point in their life. There is no age barrier for this, any person can get affected by this not necessarily when you are working but in any sphere of life. In this article, we will provide you with all the information related to Imposter Syndrome- the definition, types, characteristics, causes, and lastly how you can get yourself out of it.
What is Imposter Syndrome and its types?
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To put it in simple words, it is a situation when you feel your success is because of your luck and not because of your innate capabilities. This Syndrome was first found by a psychologist Suzanna Imes and Pauline Rose Clance in 1970. Reports before found out that usually women get affected by this but later traits of these were visible in men too. There’s a test also for this syndrome.
This syndrome is also linked with social anxiety and they are often found overlapping each other and make people feel that when they are socially interacting or giving a speech, people will find out that they don’t have the caliber to stand at the position where they are right now but it is not necessary that people with this syndrome have to have social anxiety or vice-versa. Those people who do not have social anxiety can also feel less confident about themselves.
Types of Imposter Syndrome
These syndromes have different types because not necessarily everyone can feel the same feeling of less confidence. There are different types of Imposter syndrome:
Some people are never satisfied with themselves and always feel like there is always room for improvement. They always focus on the flaws and not on their strength. This feeling can make you really anxious and push you towards extremities for only achieving your end goal and never being grateful for your achievements.
Pushing yourself to limits which can even destroy your own self. The feeling of inadequacy can push you to work harder and harder which can even make you sick emotionally as well as physically,
Underestimating yourself and always pushing your own self to learn new things. This is majorly found in those people who are highly skilled and they underestimate themselves by comparing themselves from their fellow workers.
These type of people make goals which are impossible to achieve and when they fail in achieving them, it makes their self-confidence into pieces.
Lastly, the type of people who feel asking for help from people will make them weak and so they prefer working on their alone. Productivity is only based on self-worth according to them.
Characteristics of the syndrome
Doubting your own self
Giving credits to other factors for your own success
Not recognizing your own skills and working on them.
Always looking for competitions
Setting challenges which are very hard to achieve and when failure comes then blaming your own self.
The constant fear of loosing
Vandalizing your success
Being superstitious and feeling like you achieved something because you performed some practice.
What causes Imposter Syndrome?
Causes of this syndrome can be your company in which you are working or you are surrounded by people who are overachievers, they can also be your friends too. Researchers have found out that often people get this syndrome hereditarily also or this syndrome can get developed because of the high expectations of parents and their criticizing attitude.
How to deal with Imposter Syndrome
This syndrome can be easily cured, by confronting your own self and making yourself remind that you are capable of everything. Share your feelings with others, talk about your insecurities. Often when you hide feelings you can make yourself fall in such situations.
When you find people facing similar problems as you do, reach out to them and discuss. This can help you as well and the other person too. You can practice interacting with these people and find answers to your questions.
Don’t always think that you can achieve everything. Take small steps towards your goals.
You can question your own thoughts also, ask yourself why you face difficulties, encounter them and learn from your mistakes.
With social media growing each and every day and providing you with new opportunities, it is also taking a toll on our mental health. Social media has made certain standards and when people fail to achieve that, they feel petrified because of that. Therefore it is important to use social media very cautiously and don’t let people defy you with false standards. Break the norms and be yourself on your social media. You might save a life from getting this syndrome.
Believe in your inner strengths and value your feelings. Acknowledge your achievements always.
Always keep going, never stop yourself from anything. You don’t have to do what everyone is doing. You are you and you are amazing!
Break the boundaries of your inner self. Explore yourself every day.
If something is affecting your mental health, take assistance. Mental health is as important as eating your meals.
Remind yourself every day that there is nothing in the world which is perfect. Perfectionism is a myth. Accept your weakness too, it is an inevitable part of your life. Learn that sometimes things can go wrong and not work according to the way you want.
Keep the negativity away from you. Recognize the people who give you negative vibes and stay away from the. Get yourself out from those toxic relationships which makes you doubt your own existence.
Always note the positive feedbacks and when you feel demotivated, go and read them again and again.
Be aware of things going inside you. Reflect on yourself. Declutter your mind with useless things. Recognize the feeling of Imposter and at the very first step-stop it.
Lastly, be kind to yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, and don’t forget to reward and pamper yourself for your achievements.
Don’t let your self-worth be judged by anything other than your actions. It is important to remember that you are a winner in your story, not others, so stop comparing, and be happy!