What is the Recruitment Strategy in HRM Work?

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What is the Recruitment Strategy in HRM Work?

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Thu Feb 29 2024

5 min read

recruitment strategy hrm

Human resource management is a process of recruiting, hiring, employing, and then managing a hire in their organization. HRM treats employees as an asset to the organization. The recruitment strategy in HRM works based on the needs of the organization. After hiring, they are then well-trained and the organization keeps checking in on them by regular meets.

In other words, HRM is the art of procuring, developing, and maintaining the complete manforce of the organization to achieve the goal that the organization is performing for.

What is the Nature of Human Resource Management?

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Here is the nature of the HRM that defines it as a crucial process in management.

  • It is a pervasive force
  • Action-oriented process
  • People-oriented
  • Individual oriented
  • Future-oriented
  • Developing in nature
  • Has an integrated mechanism
  • Comprehensive function
  • Continuous process
  • Interdisciplinary in nature

What can be Defined as the Recruitment Strategy in HRM?

The recruitment strategy in HRM is simple, it hires candidates with skills and knowledge for the post. It executes the agenda of recruiting a workforce that can work effectively and efficiently. The role of HRM is to hand over the organization with a well-trained, well-motivated, and skilled workforce.

A company can be good when its workforce is effective. Making HRM a vital part of any organization will make them stay competitive and responsible.

The recruitment and selection strategy in hrm can make it break how an organization will work. It is important to know what the concerns of that organization. It will help treat the issues and hire the most suitable candidate for that position.

How Does HRM Function?

Human resources are managed by sincere HR professionals. They first look into the organization's needs and then work on them. They also fix many issues.

The recruitment strategy in HRM will have the outcome of performing the responsibilities of day-to-day functions.

Generally, human resources include several smaller units within an organization. They run a recruitment plan for hiring within the organization to maintain a decorum of hiring employees.

They have three types of functions in HRM

1. Managerial Function

It is categorized into four steps: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. The management focuses on the candidate's skills and knowledge about his or her work.

In planning, they gather and examine the data to determine the existing and future human resource needs. From that information, they try to foresee what the organization will develop the requirements.

Now they have a flowchart of how the organization will work in the future and what kind of employees they will need to fulfill the needs of the organization.

A plan is of three levels:

  • Top-level: It comprises strategic plans. It consists of some objectives and long-range policies.
  • Middle level: It comprises administrative plans under which the motives and control are included.
  • Lower level: The functional plans for maintaining the rules, methods, and procedures of the organization.

The recruitment plan steps are as follows.

  • Analyzing the external and internal environment.
  • Defining the enterprise mission
  • Determination of the company's objectives
  • Forecasting the planning process
  • Determining the alternative course of action
  • Evaluating alternative actions
  • Selecting the best course of action
  • Establishing the sequence of activities
  • Formulation of functional plans
  • Review of the planning process

The second step in HRM is organizing. The importance of organizing is that it facilitates growth and diversification. It focuses on providing the optimum use of technological improvement. Organizing is one of the most crucial steps of the recruitment strategy in hrm.

The allocation of tasks is done among the employees. For an organization to work, they need to develop friendly relationships among the members and open communication in the organization. Because of this, they can collectively contribute to the profession they have been appointed for.

Developing a recruitment plan is essential to have a flowchart, foresee the transformations in the future of an organization and compare the actual to the ideal performance. The next step in the managerial function of HRM is directing. Directing means it is a process and a technique Utilized in issuing instructions and ensuring that operations are raised as originally planned.

It means making the employee contribute ultimately to the organization which is possible by providing all the guidelines, proper training, and instructions. The recruitment strategy in hrm also teaches employers to motivate and bring out the employee's maximum potential.

The last and most influential step is controlling. It is influential because of the part that it plays in the organization and the way it deals with problems. Controlling is comparing the existing performance of the organization with the standard one. It is done to provide the organization with the actual status of the company.

2. Operative Function

It includes recruitment and selection. The recruitment strategy in hrm contains a successful recruiting plan. The vacant positions are analyzed and provided with skilled workers there. The scheme about how a vacant position will be filled includes job specifications, job description, its nature, qualifications, qualities, and experience for that job.

After recruitment, the organization will come up with a program about the selection strategies in HRM. They organize interviews with the interviewer. Executing the interview process denotes that everyone is treated equally and no business is taking place. They ask some pre-established questions for the recruiters to ask.

It also includes background checking, resume screening, physical checkups, and employment trials. The recruitment strategy in HRM works based on interviews and precleared examinations and assessments held by the organization.

The next operative function is job analysis and job design. Job analysis also known as job study is often considered as the basic step in the management of people.

The process of job analysis is given below.

  • Step 1- Organization analysis
  • Step 2- Use of job analysis information
  • Step 3- Selection for job analysis
  • Step 4- Collection of data
  • Step 5- Preparation of job description
  • Step 6- Preparation of job specification

An example of recruitment plan can be one of the companies of Google. They run their company by channelizing the applicant's aptitudes. It is best to apply with the information about who the hiring managers keep up with.

Performance appraisal is again something very important to follow. It gives the employees a target market to work up till there. It hands over an outlook on how their job should be. It gives them criteria for their work to be at an acceptable level.

The recruitment strategy in hrm will deliver its best when done after training and development. Training is an act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a specific job. Development can be defined as preparing the individual for future jobs. It helps employees offer a promising performance.

The next point for the operative function is wage and salary administration. HRM also decides what wages salary is to be paid to employees for their contribution to the organization.

The recruitment process in hrm makes up for the sources of providing a well-skilled bunch of employees.

Next comes employee welfare which includes incentives, promotions, and other facilities that are delivered to them for their well-being.

3. Advisory Function

The following function which holds the entire organization under recruitment strategy in hrm is advisory. Human resource is a professional supervising body. They have all the information about the organization which means they can decide on the organization's terms and conditions.

They connect the topmost bodies of the organization to the middle and then to the lower. The advice to top management that is given is about the formulation and evaluation of strategic standards, guidelines, timetables, and methods. The devices are then given to the departmental heads. It looks at the concerns of manpower planning, recruitment, selection, and many others.

These functions are established on basic human resource management. The customized version of identifying, evaluating, and hiring the best applicant has a strategy called talent acquisition strategy.

The customized recruitment strategy in hrm works in a few settings.

1. Lead Generation

It means starting to compile information about the related job through forums, seminars, conferences, and events.

2. Attraction and Recruiting

To form a circle of your organization in a positive way of attracting and maintaining the employees.

3. Interview and Assessments

A reference review of the history of the candidate is a very crucial step to focus on. It can make or break the game.

4. Final Check

The last inspection of the candidate before hiring and evaluating the best candidate out of all that applied.

5. Signing in and Onboarding

It is essential to give new employees seamless hiring as it can directly affect retention.

The best talent acquisition strategy example is one which is the most effective first to regulate a virtual interview. By doing this you will get an idea of what the employee can give to your organization. Also providing virtual timely coaching will help the hires and managers to retain all the norms of the organization.


The recruitment strategy in HRM can be a confusing topic a bit with so many rules and regulations of hiring. It can be sorted by a website named Pitch N Hire. They have revolutionary applicant tracking software. It also provides you with all the mechanisms that you will need to search for an applicant for your organization.