Written By : Pitch N Hire
Tue Jun 25 2024
5 min read
Nowadays, technology has driven so far that emails have become our go-to activity. In this digital world, sending out a post - interview thank you email makes much sense. The competition is always high regarding interviews, but you should always be prepared. You send out a thank you mail for several reasons, but among them, the major one is when the interviewer doesn't call back.
Even if an interview process does not go well, you can always go a level extra to show respect because a pleasant written thank you email after interview is a catch to superiors. Well, etiquette is needed to remain firm. So, here in this article, we are going to present you with the formal note of a thank you email after interview as an activity that is included in things to do when an interviewer doesn't call back.
Before you write a thank email for interviewer you must know the professional way to write email or letter to the interviewer.
After having an multiple interview rounds, Writing a post interview thank you email is a professional and polite gesture that helps to create a positive impression on the interviewer. Here are a few reasons why it is important to write job interview thank you email.
The etiquettes that are to be followed are as follows:
This email is a formal letter of post interview thanks mail and involves almost all the features, and there are a few steps that are to be followed. The first point is to add the subject, which would be formal.
Secondly, you need to learn how to address your superior or you should know how to phrase an effective subject line for email. If the boss is a woman, the salutation would be Respected ma'am, and if the boss is a man, the salutation would be Respected sir.
Suppose you are unable to identify the gender then you can use Respected ma am/sir or just the last name without any confusion. If you are still confused about the recruiter's gender there are several tricks for using salutation.
Then there is the actual body of the mail and also the first paragraph, which you would include by saying how he/she is doing, taking out his/her time for you.
I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for taking out some of your precious time to meet me and discuss the (position you have applied for). It was such a marvelous experience for me.
This paragraph is written just to discuss your skills, strategies, and performances in the thank you email after interview process. Then you can start the next paragraph by acknowledging the following.
I am writing this letter to you as a follow up email after the interview. As we were discussing (company s name), I realized how much I am working with you and your colleagues. The thing that got me most excited about the firm was the motive, effort, workflow, and atmosphere. I believe that I can accommodate there and help others with my skills. I promise not to let the seniors down. With my knowledge and skills, I think that I would be the best fit for (the sector you are interested in). Since this paragraph is the content, you can include your job description here.
The thank you emails after the interview are not supposed to be lengthy. While writing a post interview thank you email, you need to keep one thing in mind that your motive is to impress the interviewer and also to compliment the company simultaneously. You can make it on point and not ramble much. So, the next and third paragraphs of the follow up email after the interview would be the following.
I was so impressed that I just kept on thinking about the plan your company is going to achieve in the next 5 years. With socioeconomic growth, I can tell you that your managers are in the perfect place. And also, the number of investors the firm is approaching is beyond impressive.
It is always perfect for sharing your information or extra skills on your CV briefly. You can share your personal opinions and advice. You can add another paragraph on your own before the ending one.
To finish off the thank you for the email interview, you can add the last yet the least paragraph, and it goes as follows.
I hope you can find a place for me at your company, and I will accommodate well and apply my knowledge to the level best for the positive achievements of the firm. And also, if you need any area of expertise or help, you can reach out to me. I am looking forward and eager to hear back from you in one of the upcoming days.
Here, you end the paragraphs of the thank you email after interview. And you officially end by writing the following.
Thank you so much for spending your valuable time with me one more time.
And then you end with a finishing salutation by saying:
Ending salutation
Have a good day!
(Your name and all the details)
Now that you are done with writing the thank you for the interview email, you must keep certain things in mind. They are as follows:
It is a formal letter and you chose to write it for the very right reasons. Every company, institution, organization, firm, etc., have specific pros and cons. Impress yourself in the thank you email after interview to your best level. As we have mentioned, it is a safe spot to send it beforehand.
A perfect post interview thank you email creates a good impression in front of the recruiter. Not only does it make sense but also, it sets out an example of how disciplined and extraordinary of an employee you are and they can recruit. At every step of the article, you need to compliment the members of the company and note down the fields and sectors in which they are specialized in.
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