Reasons Why Every Business Needs A Virtual Assistant

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8 reasons why every successful business needs a Virtual assistant

Written By : Pitch N Hire

Sat Jul 06 2024

5 min read

Virtual assistant


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eing an entrepreneur is not easy. Starting your own business and watching it grow is a different kind of happiness but too soon you realize you’ve got too much work and too little time. Soon you are putting in more hours than you would at a normal job and not focusing on the big picture but handling meagre tasks like setting your schedule etc. So how do you find a one-stop solution for this problem? Simple, you hire a virtual assistant. No boss is superman as much as you would wish to be even the best in their field and need a little hand once in a while.

8 reasons why you should hire a virtual assistant

Following are the 8 reasons why you should hire a virtual assistant:

Reduces workload

Virtual assistants are there for one reason – to assist you. So be it managing your schedule, sorting emails, or setting up appointments they can do it all. Many times their job extends to social media management, booking hotels and restaurants for your meetings, Event planning, data entry, market research and even answering your business calls, etc. They are versatile enough to make your job feel like a vacation again.

Facilitate business growth

Virtual assistants are going to handle the puny tasks that are going to give you free time. Some of this time is going to be spent relaxing about the rest. Well, you get extra time to focus on your business, focus on what we call the ‘Bigger picture’. You can instead pay attention to where your business is heading and what changes you need to bring about. For instance, a real estate virtual assistant can give you more time to close deals and expand your client base. You can pay attention to where your business is heading and what changes you need to bring about.

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Round-the-clock availability

We live in a world that never sleeps. Offering your services just during office hours is not going to be enough. So what do you do? Hire a virtual assistant from a different time zone – problem solved. Different time zones mean a different country so your virtual assistant can work during public holidays as well. And you don’t have to panic about an emergency manpower shortage because you can get a replacement virtual assistant just as quickly.

Boost your online presence

Consumer interaction increases business. More consumer interaction is equal to more business. If you are building a name for your brand you are going to need someone to constantly manage your consumer interactions. Not only that increasing your presence on social media is also going to play a key role. It’s not easy doing all of this alone, in fact, you will barely have time to run your business if you start paying attention to increasing your online presence. Instead, let your virtual assistant handle these tasks. As we have previously mentioned you can get a 24/7 service with virtual assistants and they can maintain consistent contact with your customers and potential customers.

Larger talent pool

We think calling the talent pool larger is a definite understatement. This probably one of the key reasons to hire a virtual assistant instead of an on-ground assistant. A lot of virtual assistants are freelancers There are absolutely no geographical restrictions. You get access to a talent pool that is significantly larger and smarter. Adding to this also makes the whole process cost-effective. Why? Because you not only get to choose from smarter people but you also get you to see salary comparisons and choose what suits your business and fits the budget. Additionally, you don’t have to go through the tiresome process of physical interviews.


We have told you prior why having a virtual assistant will be cost-effective in terms of salary. Now onto how it will decrease other and eventually overall costs. Savings and cost-cutting wherever possible are among the top rules of running a business. You need to know how to manage your money or the business might not get far. That is also one of the many reasons to hire a virtual assistant. You save on office space, taxes and even reduce the maintenance cost. Add to that you don’t have to pay employee benefits. Plus virtual assistants only charge for the hours they work, nothing more nothing less. So you don’t have to worry about paid leaves.


There are a lot of components that make up a successful business. You might be an expert at most of it but no one can do all of it. Even Larry Page appointed Sundar Pichai to handle the business part so he could focus on the development part. It is going to be the same thing with your virtual assistant.

For example, suppose you have a real estate business, you might be an expert at pitching ideas, developing building, and even managing your finances but you are lacking in marketing. You can hire a real estate virtual assistants that specializes in that aspect. Your virtual assistant can handle the marketing and advertisement of your business. This is going to make the overall business efficient.

More leisure time

We often hear “When your passion becomes your profession, life becomes a vacation.” That may be true for most entrepreneurs but that doesn’t mean people don’t need vacations altogether. Being a workaholic may sound respectful but taking some downtime will make you work better. You might not find downtime now but you will once you hire a virtual assistant. Your virtual assistant will handle the tasks that don’t need your immediate attention. And eventually, find out that half your day was spent doing work that can easily be handled by your virtual assistant. That leaves you with enough time to focus on your business and relax.

Points to remember when working with a virtual assistant

  1. Consistent and regular contact- Since your virtual assistant is going to be working remotely it is necessary to maintain consistent and regular contact. Try to reach out even during holidays and not necessarily for work. It will incorporate them and make them a part of your team.
  2. Accountability- Lay down clear and sensible goals when working with your VA. You might need to oversee some tasks for a week at most after which the VA will have an idea of your work ethic and the business.

Moral: Even Tony stark needed Jarvis so you can imagine what a difference a virtual assistant can make. An additional hand in your day-to-day tasks is going to benefit you and your business overall.